Monday, August 6, 2018

Foam Generator

Foam generator
& wet materials metering stations
of the plasterboard plant
that provides high accuracy and durability
during plasterboard production
are in the assembly line are of our factory

#plasterboard #wallboard #drywall #gypsumboard
#plasterboardequipment #wallboardequipment #drywallequipment #gypsumboardequipment #gypsum
#gipscarton #gips #plytagipsowa #yeso #cartóndeyeso #cartongesso #gesso #Gipskarton #placoplâtre #gypse #guix #taulerdeguix
#suhmalter #sádra #sádrokarton #гипскартон #石膏 #石膏板
#gipszkarton #gipsz #석고 #석고보드 #eternit #plants
#placadegesso #gesso #placadegessocartonado
#гипспластербоард #sadra #sadrokartón #mavčneplošče #mavec #gipsskivor #ยิปซั่ม #ฟองเต้าหู้ #гіпс #гіпсокартон 

Thursday, May 18, 2017

gypsumboard production plants' technology and equipment

gypsumboard production plants'
transfer units
pulleys, rollers and bearings
pictures from the installation site

experience of our engineers in the sector guarantees the related quality of each part, component of the plasterboard plant manufactured and built by us on "turn-key" bases.

for more information you can contact to us

#gypsum #gypsumplaster #powderplaster #plasterofparis #gypsumboard #palsterboard #wallboard #drywall #drymortar #drymixmortar #constructionchemicals #machineplaster #handplaster #manualplaster #plasterspray #perlite #calcite #micronization #rotarykiln #pinmill #airseperator #twincyclone #rotarypacker #lineerpacker #bundler #boarddryer #starch #wax #plasticizer #accelerator #retarder
#гипс #шпаклёвка #штукатурка #строительныйгипс #гипсоваясмесь #гипсокартон #гипсокартонныелисты #гкл #сухиесмеси #сухиестроительныесмеси #перлит #кальцит #микронизациякальцита #барабаннаяпечь #воздушныйсеператор #пакетировщик

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

wallboard production plants

Board dryer inlet group parts and components
pictures from the installation site

experience of our engineers in the sector guarantees the related quality of each part, component of the plasterboard plant manufactured and built by us on "turn-key" bases.

for more information you can contact to us

#gypsum #gypsumplaster #powderplaster #plasterofparis #gypsumboard #palsterboard #wallboard #drywall #drymortar #drymixmortar #constructionchemicals #machineplaster #handplaster #manualplaster #plasterspray #perlite #calcite #micronization #rotarykiln #pinmill #airseperator #twincyclone #rotarypacker #lineerpacker #bundler #boarddryer #starch #wax #plasticizer #accelerator #retarder
#гипс #шпаклёвка #штукатурка #строительныйгипс #гипсоваясмесь #гипсокартон #гипсокартонныелисты #гкл #сухиесмеси #сухиестроительныесмеси #перлит #кальцит #микронизациякальцита #барабаннаяпечь #воздушныйсеператор #пакетировщик

plasterboard plant

Board dryer inlet group parts and components
pictures from the installation site

experience of our engineers in the sector guarantees the related quality of each part, component of the plasterboard plant manufactured and built by us on "turn-key" bases.

for more information you can contact to us

#gypsum #gypsumplaster #powderplaster #plasterofparis #gypsumboard #palsterboard #wallboard #drywall #drymortar #drymixmortar #constructionchemicals #machineplaster #handplaster #manualplaster #plasterspray #perlite #calcite #micronization #rotarykiln #pinmill #airseperator #twincyclone #rotarypacker #lineerpacker #bundler #boarddryer #starch #wax #plasticizer #accelerator #retarder
#гипс #шпаклёвка #штукатурка #строительныйгипс #гипсоваясмесь #гипсокартон #гипсокартонныелисты #гкл #сухиесмеси #сухиестроительныесмеси #перлит #кальцит #микронизациякальцита #барабаннаяпечь #воздушныйсеператор #пакетировщик